© 2014 Underwater Depot
Underwater Depot stocks a wide and ever changing selection of Freshwater & Marine Fish and Inverts, Living Corals and Live Aquatic Plants.  Check out what's new in the Showroom this week!  For Weekly Updates on New Live Stock, Follow Us on FacebookInstagramTwitter, and Tumblr.  For more information on Aquariums, Equipment, and Supplies, check out the Brands We Carry.
We stock a wide selection of Reef Safe, Predator, Nano, and Rare Fish & Inverts and Living Corals. Our stock is always changing as new animals arrive weekly!

New This Week 6/17/16

​This list will NOT be updated as animals are sold, please call or visit our showroom to confirm availability of a particular animal. This list includes new stock only, it does not include animals brought in from previous shipments. Visit our Showroom for our complete selection.

Marine Fish
Banded Pipefish
Bicolor Angel
Bicolor Pseudochromis
Blonde Naso Tang
Blue Spotted Puffer
China Wrasse
Gold Flake Angel
Harlequin Tusk
Klein Butterfly
Koran Angel
Matted Filefish
Maroon Clown
Melanurus Wrasse
Navarchus Angel
Pink Skunk Clown
Purple Pseudochromis
Red Coris Wrasse
Regal Angel
V-Tail Grouper

Marine Inverts
Banded Coral Shrimp
Blue Sponge
Bubble Anemone
Purple Long Tentacle Anemone
Red Leg Hermit Crab
Turbo Snail

Corals  (Please come in for specific Colors/Sizes)
Candy Coral
Coral Frags (Assorted)
Green Clove Polyp
Green Hairy Mushroom
Green Hammer Coral
Lobo (Assorted)
Pink Carpet Lobo
Red Cynarina
Red Symphylla
Wall Hammer Coral
We stock a wide selection of Community, Aggressive, Nano, and Oddball Fish & Inverts and Live Plants.  Our stock is always changing as new animals arrive weekly!

New This Week 6/17/16

​This list will NOT be updated as animals are sold, please call or visit our showroom to confirm availability of a particular animal. This list includes new stock only, it does not include animals brought in from previous shipments. Visit our Showroom for our complete selection.

African Cichlid

​Long Fin Rosey Barb

Catfish & Loaches
Khuli Loach
Panda Garra
Three Beacon Pleco


Goldfish & Koi

Blue Bolt Shrimp
Blue Carbon Rilli
Blue Velvet Shrimp
Crystal Red Shrimp
Flower Shrimp
Japonica (Amano) Shrimp 
Tricolor Thorn Snail

Labyrinth Fish
Licorice Gourami

Live Bearers
Kohaku Red Eye Sword
Red Coral Platy

African Dwarf Frog
Amazon Puffer
Black Arowana
Bumble Bee Goby
Freshwater Longmouth Pipefish
Neon Blue Stiphodon Goby
Norman's Lampeye Killi
Scarlet Badis
Siamese Algae Eater

Boesmani Rainbow
Feather Fin Rainbow

​Emerald Tiger Rasora
Gold Tiger Datnoid
Maculata Rasbora

South American Cichlids
Assorted Discus (Md)
Demon Earth Eater

Blue Eye Gold Neon Tetra
We stock a wide selection of Live Plants including Stem Plants, Carpeting Plants, Mosses, Rhizome Plants, and High to Low Light Species.  New plants arrive every other week!

Newest Shipment 5/6/16

​This list will NOT be updated as plants are sold, please call or visit our showroom to confirm availability of a particular plant. This list includes our complete live plants stock as of 5/6/16

Anubias Barteri 'Striped'
Anubias Barteri XXL
Anubias Hastefolia
Anubias Heterophylla
Anubias Lanceolota
Anubias Nana 
Anubias Nana 'Golden'
Anubias Nana "Petite"
Anubias Nangi

Stem Plants
Alternanthera Reineckii Mini
Ammania Bonsai (tissue culture)
Baby Tears
Bacopa Australis
Bacopa Caroliniana
Brazillian Pennywort
Cabomba Purple
Diplidis Diandra
Golden Nesaea
Green Temple Plant
Hottonia Palustris
Hygrophila Angustopholia
Hygrophila Araguaia (tissue culture)
Hygrophila Pinnatifida
Limnophila Aromatica
Lindernia India
Ludwigia Peruensis 'Golden'
Ludwigia Repens
Mermaid Weed
Persicaria 'San Paolo'
Potomogeton Gayi
Rotala Indica (Rotundifolia)
Rotala Nanjenshan
Rotala Pearl (tissue culture)
Star Grass
Water Sprite (potted)

Crypt Blasii
Crypt Lutea (potted)
Crypt Nevilli (tissue culture)
Crypt Parva (potted)
Crypt Pygmaea (tissue culture)
Crypt Tonkinesis
Crypt Wendtii Red (potted)
Crypt Undulatus (potted)

© 2016 Underwater Depot

​Ground Cover
Crypt Parva (potted)
Crypt Pygmaea (tissue culture)
Dwarf Baby Tears (potted & plantable mat)
Dwarf Chainlink Sword (potted)
Dwarf Four Leaf Clover (Crenata) (potted)
Dwarf Hairgrass (potted)
Dwarf Pennywort (tissue culture)
Dwarf Sagitaria
Eleocharis sp. "Mini" (tissue culture)
Glossostigma (potted)
Littorela Uniflora (tissue culture)
Micro Sword (potted)
Pogostemon Helferi 'Downoi' (tissue culture)
Star Grass
Staurogyne Repens (tissue culture)
Utricularia Grammanifolia (tissue culture)

Misc. Plants
Aponogeton Boivninanus
Aponogeton Longiplumulosus
Aponogeton Ulvaceus
Banana Plant
Blyxa Japonica
Bolbitis Heudelotii
Dwarf Cardinal Plant (tissue culture)
Cardinal Plant (potted)
Crinum Calaministratum
Cyperus Helferi
Dwarf Lily
Giant Hairgrass
Hygro Kompact (potted)
Java Fern
Leopard Val Spiralis
Madagascar Lace
Riccia Fluitans (tissue culture)
Trident Java Fern

Christmas Moss (tissue culture)
Erect Moss (tissue culture)
Fissidens Nobilis
Java Moss
Marimo Moss Ball
Pearl Moss (tissue culture)

Echinodorus (Sword Plants)
Amazon Sword
Compact Sword
Rose Sword
Rosette Sword
Ruffle Sword